My #NextGen Journey
NextGenRadio was exactly what I needed. And then some. If I told you I wasn’t nervous coming into this project, I’d be lying. However, after a casual dinner, everyone there had a great mixture of personalities and I figured, ‘Hey, maybe I didn’t bite off more than I...I’ve Got the Magic in Me
Upon graduation, I was running on a temporary high that shortly faded as I began to think about my future and the expectations people had of me.
No fixed feelings
This week has been such a memorable and eye opening experience. I’ve learned so many things that I will carry with me throughout my career, but a few of my favorites are the importance of project management, working together and, my favorite, subjectivity. I...Humbled and Ready to Learn
During my Next Generation Radio training, I’ve learned to trust myself and my preparation and see setbacks as a learning opportunity, not failures.
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